Hello FER,
I'm a French creative director in graphics and branding and I really like your work. I bought 2 songs on iTunes: Kyoteizinc (Video Mix) and こきりこ節(Video Mix). Very creative and inventive. Just wanted to say that in passing by.
Hello FER,
I'm a French creative director in graphics and branding and I really like your work. I bought 2 songs on iTunes: Kyoteizinc (Video Mix) and こきりこ節(Video Mix). Very creative and inventive. Just wanted to say that in passing by.
Posted by didier LAHELY | February 17, 2009 02:59 PM
Can you put Dub's 3Ren-tan Remix on iTunes or Amazon US? I'd like to get a hold of it, please. It's been 8 years now :P
Posted by Carn | May 27, 2009 02:57 PM